Welcome to our Erasmus+ project!

This webpage has been created in order to share our experience in the Erasmus+ project "Please say cheese: how our diet affects the environment" in which Turkey, the Netherlands and Spain participate. 

The food we choose to eat, its production chain, the ways and places in which we consume it…, have such as an impact such as, on the environment. Our project is based on called for actions at EU level to solve the eating and sustainable habits problem. The Roadmap to a Resource-Efficient Europe, highlight the food sector as priority area for taking action - calling for: "…incentives for healthier and more sustainable production and consumption of food and to halve the disposal of edible food waste in the EU by 2020." The project will help our pupils broaden their mind and improve their competences and attitudes, not only with regard to adopt of sustainable eating habits as the way to reduce our impact on the planet and improvement their health, but also on a personal level as well to improve interdisciplinary cooperation, language skills, and entrepreneurial mind-set, recognizing, observing and comparing cultural differences for a better understanding of pupils’ own and other’s cultural heritage. Our MAIN OBJECTIVE of the project ''Please say Cheese: how our diet affects the environment” is to improve the pupils life skills by cooperating with their peers to discover the differences and similarities between each other’s culture and healthy habits and its impact on the environment by the use of ICT tools during the exchange of good practices among the school partners.
We hope to discover a bridge between culture and a healthy lifestyle. In order to show each other and to let each other experience and most certainly taste the affective cultures, we hope to be able to walk a common path to adjust our habits, which nowadays mainly exist by the use of a device. The Corona virus has showed us that personal contact and spontaneous help is possible, even though this is at a distance. We would like to see these thoughts expanding in our project. The specific objectives are students centered: •the increasing of the motivation for learning of pupils, through promoting a better understanding of teaching a healthy lifestyle and fostering sustainable model of consumption.

1; *the increasing of the awareness of cultural heritage knowledges through exchange of the cultural and environmental factors behind food systems from 3 European countries 2;* the improvement of the school results of the disadvantaged pupils (emigrants/early school leaving) by involving them in cooperation actions and by making attractive lessons with the use of ICT tools 3;* the empowerment of pupils increasing their capacity to share and confront ideas, practices and methods for a more effective learning 4;* Activities that would support our objectives are: workshops and hands-on activities to learn and contrast about: local food customs and some basic vocabulary they will need. 5;*different preferences and eating habits in each culture 6;* connections between social and cultural factors and eating habits 7;* environmental harm of food (depending on the type of food, where it comes from and how it is produced, packaged, processed and transported) 8;* making links with local producers and retailers 9;* We will use collaborative learning as methodology among partners based on identifying the problems, seeking solutions after each activity/visit, testing solutions in context and evaluating impact. 10;* A selfevaluation tool for teachers to reflect on and improve/adapt their practice will be implemented.


We hope to develop a friendship which can motivate us to take better note of unhealthy habits. Our
participants are: 3 Schools and 100 participants (3+ school managers, 12+ teaching staff; 28+ potential students): Denizyaka Ortaokulu from Manavgat Turkey; Mondial College from Nijmegen, Holland;  I.E.S. "Francisco Nieva" from Valdepeñas, Spain. The results/impact of the project are the creation of awareness in order to cooperate and act in harmony to promote healthy eating habits and reduce environmental impacts, within correct and viable lifestyles. This project will illustrate that the foods that are better for people’s health are also those that have a lower environmental impact on the planet.